New ideas and high technologies, as well as leadership in engineering design and production of lubricants are the main concept of our company.
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- substitutions or development of new equivalents for almost any expensive lubricant from the world's leading manufactures

- new lubricants created to your specifications

- new lubricants for sale under your brand name



Fluoropolimer technologies Ltd. is the exclusive developer and manufacturer of PTFE lubricants in Russia under the registered mark Tomflon®. Our production of ultrafine polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE) powder for Tomflon® lubricants makes our products more cost-effective than lubricants from leading international manufacturers. For example, Tomflon® is 2-3 times cheaper than quality comparable lubricants from Interflon Holland BV. The scientific capacity and modern testing facility allows to develop and manufacturer dozens of PTFE lubricants for all branches of industry.

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